POST Best Practices Infographics

Introducing the New Infographic Format for Best Practices

POST is constantly striving to make workplace safety information more accessible and user-friendly. As part of this effort, POST has introduced a new infographic format for its best practices. Infographics are visually engaging and easy to understand, making them an ideal tool for communicating complex safety procedures.

The new infographic format condenses the key points of each best practice into a visually appealing and easy-to-digest format. This allows organizations to quickly grasp the essential information and implement it effectively. By utilizing infographics, POST aims to enhance the accessibility and usability of its best practices, making workplace safety information more readily available to organizations.

Formats available

Screen Size – perfect for sharing electronically and for mobile devices

Printable Letter Size – perfect for the office, warehouse or worksite trailers (bulletin boards etc.)

Poster Size – high resolution poster size perfect for printing posters for all workplaces


Screen size – click on each infographic to download

1920 x1080 px

Letter Size – Click on each infographic to download

8.5″ x 11″

Lock-Out Tag-Out

WAH Equipment

Glove Guide


Ladder Safety

Hi-Vis Apparel

Poster Size – Click on the links to download

12″ x 18″

Sample Format

Hi-Visibility Safety Apparel


Ladder Safety

Working At Heights Equipment

Lock-out / Tag-out