Fall Protection Plan templates

We have provided links to provinces that provide sample fall protection plans through their government and/or occupational health and safety websites. If your province is not listed, another provinces example can be used as a template to assist you in developing your own plan.

All plans should be developed to reflect the specific work you are doing. The templates provided should only be used as a guideline.

General Requirements available through the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety


British Columbia

Requirement and template available through Worksafe BC – https://www.worksafebc.com/en/resources/health-safety/toolbox-meeting-guides/written-site-specific-fall-protection-plan?lang=en


Requirements and sample template available through the Government of Alberta https://open.alberta.ca/publications/9781460141229

Saskatchewan – not available

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety does not have a sample plan available. Workers are referred to

Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association, the WCB funded safety association for construction, to utilize example (www.scsaonline.ca/).


The government of Manitoba does not have a sample plan available. Workers are referred to

Safe Manitoba


Requirement and template available through IHSA



Source: https://www.apsam.com/theme/risques-la-securite-ou-mecaniques/travail-en-hauteur/equipements-de-protection

Document – https://www.asp-construction.org/publications/publication/dl/exemple-de-plan-de-sauvetage-en-hauteur


No example/template

Links to regulatory requirements:


New Brunswick

The government of New Brunswick does not have a sample plan available. General info available at


Nova Scotia

The government of Nova Scotia does not have a sample plan available. General info available at


Prince Edward Island

Requirements and template available through http://www.wcb.pe.ca/Workplace/OHSActAndRegulations and click on the Guide to Fall Protection Regulations

Northwest Territories & Nunavut

Fall Protection Plan template available through the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut



No example/template

Links to regulatory requirements:
