POST Level 2 is Here

Post Level 2

The POST Level 2 course is now available. We encourage contractors who will be registering their workers that they chose the Level 2 online orientation.

With POST Level 2 users will have an in-depth knowledge of POST requirements based on a supervisor and/or leadership perspective. In addition, a high-level understanding of POST documentation including the ability to perform Planned Job Observation and & JSA quality evaluations.

Some of the core competencies that will be covered in POST Level 2 include:

  • Demonstrate core competencies at a higher level
  • Demonstrate leadership qualities with respect to enforcing site rules and POST requirements
  • Improved hazard identification and mitigation skills when completing JSAs
  • Use critical thinking when performing Planned Job Observations & Hazard Identification
  • Have an increased knowledge of the levels of protection of certain PPE

The recommended users of POST Level 2 would be supervisors, lead hands, foreman/forewomen, and workers with POST certification Level 1 (BBS) of 2 years or more wanting more in-depth knowledge. Companies or users who are unsure can verify with the POST administration office or speak to their contractor and/or oil company representative.

We have created a guideline to help companies determine the level each of their employees should take. The guideline contains the outline of both POST levels as well as the list of service categories that Level 2 users would fall under.

Click here to go to view the POST Guide to Level 2